After a year sewing I decided to start a blog. I became interested in sewing just to do a little mending, like shortening the hem of my jeans and things like that.
Being petite means that there are a few extra inches that I need to adjust, I used to do it by hand but I thought 'why not doing it properly, with a nice finish?' and started thinking of getting a sewing machine.
Once I bought my lovely beginner's Singer I realised that I had no idea of what to do with it, so I bought a book with the basics, since I have nobody nearby experienced enough to teach me. My boyfriend's mum used to work making curtains, but she's a few hundred miles away, not ideal when you need to ask about threads and bobbins.
I must
admit that my mum was right when she nagged me to attend sewing lessons
when I was a teenager. At the time I found it absolutely old fashioned and
would reply that I didn't need to do embroidery. Well...